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Planning Board Minutes 10/06/2011
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
October 6, 2011

Members Present:  Vice Chairman Thomas Jameson, Ex-Officio Mike Paveglio, Richard Arell, Stan Brehm, Allen Mayville, Richard Moore, Thomas Houle, Alan Williams, and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Vice-Chairman Jameson called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Vice-Chairman Jameson appointed Mr. Williams as a voting member for the purposes of this meeting in the absence Mr. Mara.

The minutes of September 8, 2011 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the minutes as written. Motion passes.

Site Plan Amendment:  Finlayson Pet Care, Map 3 Lot 72, 14 King Road

Site Plan Review –

Ms. Finlayson was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.  Ms. Finlayson is before the Board to propose three amendments to the currently proposed Site Plan.  Ms. Finlayson was previously before the Board to discuss corrective action for the removal of the natural tree buffer.

Ms. Finlayson is proposing to expand the existing parking area.  The purpose of this expansion is to allow better interior traffic flow upon the site.  The expansion will also allow for additional snow storage.  Snow is also proposed to be stored along the western property line.

Towards the rear of the property, there currently exists a truck body used for storage.  Ms. Finlayson proposes the replacement of this storage unit with a more permanent wood-framed structure to be used for storage.  This building is primarily accessory to the residential use of the site.

As corrective action to the removal of the natural tree buffer as previously approved, Ms. Finlayson proposes the installation of a 6’ tall stockade fence along the road way and partially around the ends of the property.  This fence will serve not only as a visual and sound buffer for the benefit of the abutting property owners, but will provide a privacy screen for the Finlayson’s as the area inside the fence will be primarily for the personal use of the homeowner.

Being no further comments from the Board, a motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Arell to accept the application as presented.

Public Hearing –

Abutters Present:  Chester & Mary McPhail, Gloria & James Krochmal

Mr. McPhail asked about the status of the Cease and Desist Order as issued by the Board of Selectmen.  It was explained that the Cease & Desist Order was in reference to the removal of the natural tree-line buffer as originally proposed.  The order contained a trigger mechanism clause and was released upon the application of Ms. Finlayson to commence corrective action.  Ms. Finlayson was before the Board at the July meeting to discuss options and plans to replace the buffer.

Ms. Krochmal questioned the Board as to the process which was followed, as the fence was already installed at this time.  It was explained that at the July meeting, the Board authorized Ms. Finlayson to move forward with her plans of installing the fence, as it was determined that the buffer was a very important part of the original application and would address any immediate concerns of the abutting property owners.

Other questions were also posed as to the defined areas where the outside care of the pets was to take place.  As described by Ms. Finlayson, the areas to the rear of the house are used for the care of her customer’s pets.  There is wire fencing enclosing the area in its entirety.  As well, the area to the south east of the house as surrounded by the stockade fence will be used for the care of the personal animals as owned by the Finalyson’s.

Mr. Moore asked the abutters present, if there had been any significant traffic impact to the area since Ms. Finlayson opened her business.  Both abutters present stated that any minor additional traffic was insignificant in impact and the additional parking spaces would alleviate any concerns about roadside parking.

Being no further comment from the public and no further questions from the Board, a motion was made by Mr. Mayville and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to approve the Site Plan as submitted.  Motion passes.

Conceptual Discussion:  Great Meadow Campground, Map 4 Lot 156, 78 Dover Road

Mr. Clint Crumb was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.  Mr. Crumb provided photos of a plan to install a retention/detention pond in the area east of the existing sign for the property.  This area is often inundated with water, making the area impossible to maintain.  The proposed pond would act as a retention pond for the lowest 2-3 feet and could be used for the propogation of fish.  The upper portions of the pond would act as a detention pond to collect excess storm water runoff and allow such to naturally infiltrate back into the ground.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Williams to not accept jurisdiction over the development of the retention/detention pond and the property owner shall ensure that all necessary permits be obtained for all jurisdictional state and federal agencies.  Motion passes.

Other Business:

Mr. Pike will draft language for the rules of procedure to dictate how alternates shall participate with the board during meetings and hearings.

The members requested that they continue to receive the annual law book updates.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Thomas Jameson, Vice Chairman